There are two major (the MAJOR) celebrations in Sweden, Midsummer and Lucia. I was excited to be able to see at least one of the major events while I am here in Stockholm. The celebration is usually celebrated on Midsummer Eve, where the may May Pole is raise, folks dancing around the may pole, food and heavy drinking (as I was told). Misdummer is marked as the longest day of the year. The darkness of winter has definitely drive the swedes in marking this as one of the biggest holiday in their calendar.

There is no better place to catch the Midsummer Celebration than in Skansen. The only downside of this is that you'll have to pay for the entrance fee but there are alot to venture around in the Skansen apart from the Midsummer celebration.

One of a friendly Swedish in the bar told me that Midsummer is a Fertility celebration, it certainly did raised my eyebrows but my friend quickly took over the role of explaining to me a little tradition for the little girls. On that day, Midsummer eve, that is, little girls who would like to see the face of the man whom they will end up marrying will have to do the following: Pick seven different flowers and each time when the flower is picked, she'll have to jump over the fence. After picking the final flower, the seventh that is, she cannot talk to anyone. The flowers will then have to be kept under the pillow which she will sleep on and voila, she shall see the face of her prince charming in her dream that night. Quite a lot of work I admit. That's how the friendly dude in the bar linked that to a fertility celebration, after all, he said that most people get drunk and get laid that night. Truth is, as I have cross checked with Wikipedia, it is a celebration for fertility.
Wrath of flowers & leaves is worn on the head and in Skansen, they were teaching us how to do one for ourselves. I jumped into the fun and make one for myself. The leaves that they use smells so good but I failed to find out what plant is that.

The maypole is raised and both adults and young children dressed in traditional clothes will dance around the poles to the traditional music. Of course, before the maypole is raised, they will decorate the pole with flowers and greens. Pickled herrings are usually enjoyed during the celebration.
There is no better place to catch the Midsummer Celebration than in Skansen. The only downside of this is that you'll have to pay for the entrance fee but there are alot to venture around in the Skansen apart from the Midsummer celebration.
One of a friendly Swedish in the bar told me that Midsummer is a Fertility celebration, it certainly did raised my eyebrows but my friend quickly took over the role of explaining to me a little tradition for the little girls. On that day, Midsummer eve, that is, little girls who would like to see the face of the man whom they will end up marrying will have to do the following: Pick seven different flowers and each time when the flower is picked, she'll have to jump over the fence. After picking the final flower, the seventh that is, she cannot talk to anyone. The flowers will then have to be kept under the pillow which she will sleep on and voila, she shall see the face of her prince charming in her dream that night. Quite a lot of work I admit. That's how the friendly dude in the bar linked that to a fertility celebration, after all, he said that most people get drunk and get laid that night. Truth is, as I have cross checked with Wikipedia, it is a celebration for fertility.
Wrath of flowers & leaves is worn on the head and in Skansen, they were teaching us how to do one for ourselves. I jumped into the fun and make one for myself. The leaves that they use smells so good but I failed to find out what plant is that.
The maypole is raised and both adults and young children dressed in traditional clothes will dance around the poles to the traditional music. Of course, before the maypole is raised, they will decorate the pole with flowers and greens. Pickled herrings are usually enjoyed during the celebration.