Author: Yellow Duckie
I never regret making the decision to cycle in Djurgården. Although this is only the second I've done it, it never disappoint me. This island is tourists infested, both by local and foreign tourists. A popular place for sun seekers and fun lover as this island holds many treasures that will satisfies almost everyone. Ranging from a wide range of Museums to choose from, Skasen: a park which displays the life and culture of the Swedes, Grona Lund: the amusement park, Theatre and loads of wonderful parks.

As always, the best part to begin your cycling adventure is through the trail to your left as you approach Djurgården from the Djurgårds bron (bridge). It will lead you straight to a nature path, revealing the beauty of nature even at the entrance of the gate.

Sign to look out for while cycling some paths are off limits to bicycle but I always get ready my "stupid tourist" card just in case, as these off beaten paths are usually extremely scenic and enticing.

Observation Decks are available for you to observe the wildlife found in the park.

Jetties are all over this island. Of course their sole purpose is for docking of the boats and loading of passengers but the appearance of these jetties edifies the scenery of this place.
One of the greatest pleasure of venturing deep into this island is that, now matter how far deep in you think you are, you will bound to come across a cozy kafe that has been set up to welcome hungry travellers.
Waffle with cream and cloudberry
As you cycle through the path, you will come across residential houses which I strongly believe is occupied. Vegetables plantations and flower beds can easily be spotted in this place.
I believe I've only visit perhaos only 30% of the entire place. There is another 70% which I have yet to discover and needless to say, there will certainly be another cycling trip here.
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