This trip I have learnt three things about Johannesburg:

The discovery I made : Monte Casino. I have heard so much about Monte casino that I had to be there to see it for myself. D was nice enough to take me there for dinner and I was amazed at what I saw. I seriously thought I was in Italy.

Braii , Robots and Tremezzini
Braii: when my colleague text me asking me if I would like to join them for Braii, I was wondering what sort of religious study group it is. To my relieve, it was actually a lovely ritual enjoyed by many ~ BBQ
Robots: According to a dear friend of my, no where in the world call their traffic lights Robots except in Jo'burg. And I believe she is right.
Tremezzini: A round shape sandwich which is common in South Africa.
The discovery I made : Monte Casino. I have heard so much about Monte casino that I had to be there to see it for myself. D was nice enough to take me there for dinner and I was amazed at what I saw. I seriously thought I was in Italy.
The setting is excellent with a casino surrounded by loads of restaurants to spoil your taste buds, shops and an amusement park for the children and young at heart. Food are so cheap here in Jo'burg, I simply can't believe it! I had a kilogram of ribs for only 10 USD!
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