Author: Yellow Duckie
Hidden in the heart of Langata somewhere opposite the Nairobi National Park, there is a magical fairy land where all used glass are recycled and turned into something beautiful: The Kitengela Glass Factory.

The road leading to this glass factory is deceiving. The dusty and bumpy dirt road actually takes you to the factory where the ambience transform into a magical kingdom. Pieces of artwork are found all over the place. A mosaic path will lead you to the cute little cottage where the glass are melted and make into various shapes and you will have the other workshops spreads all over the place in the compound.
Author: Yellow Duckie
There is something which I really miss after staying in Kenya is the nice pastries and cakes. It is not that Kenya doesn't have it but you can only get it from places like Art Cafe, Java, Dorman or Savannah. I was looking more at those lovely bakeries that bake good cakes, bread and assorted buns. Finally, I found one, Cake Plaza.

Owned by a Korean couple, who heard that there is a demand in Nairobi and took the challenge to start their bakery business here. Just about a month old, this place is cozy when a couple of tables for people who wished to dine. They do serve sandwiches, burgers and some quick meals.

When I saw the cream filling buns, I was truly happy to feel at least close to home. I can foresee myself a frequent patron there :)
Cake Plaze @ Ngong Road
(Opposite Nakumatt Prestige)
Tel : +254 (0)732-567 332
Author: Yellow Duckie
In additional to my last trip to Lake Baringo, I did see something different. I guess it never hurt to visit one place twice.
This time round, I got the chance to visit one of the Pokot tribe family. Like the Masai, their livelihood depends pretty much on their live stock, goats and cows. This family which we visited has got a husband, 6 wives (of which 4 is out in the field hearding their live stocks) and countless number of children.
The man's second wife outside her hut. The Bangle on her left wrist is her "wedding ban" and the girdle she had on her waist is the tigthen the loose belly after child birth. She has a four-month old baby.
Baby Milk bottle
In the Pokot culture, the wives of the man does basically EVERYTHING except hunt for animals. So the wife is expected to build the hut, cook, wash, clean, take cares of children, tend the herd, etc. We were also told that circumcision for both young girls and boys is still practised. Uncircumsized girls are not allowed to get married and as for boys, it marked their manhood.
Pokot Children spending their leisure time
Below is a local fisherman showing us his catch of the day and eventually draw close to our boat to ask for some "kidoko" (tips or money).
Catch of the day: Cat Fish