All those with the dream of creating your very own little indoor safari by carrying home a 3 ft, 4 ft and 5 ft (even 6 ft) giraffe and don't want to pay more should make their way here. Machakos is often made as a reference where this place is however, the specific town is known as Wamunyu ( which is in the Machakos district). This place, I was told, is one of the source of the wood craving handicraft you see in the Masai Market in Nairobi.
The drive itself is generally pleasant if you minus the heavy traffic that you'll have to go through the CBD of Nairobi and the pot holes at certain part of the area. Try to avoid peak hours and give yourself an allowance of 2 hours to get there.
The drive itself is generally pleasant if you minus the heavy traffic that you'll have to go through the CBD of Nairobi and the pot holes at certain part of the area. Try to avoid peak hours and give yourself an allowance of 2 hours to get there.
The landscape here seems to be dry however, flourishing mango trees are found around this area and we were informed that mango is one of the production from this region.
The first stop we went to was the Co-op wood craving center. The warehouse is just a simple tin roof store house where the heat is quite unbearable when the sun is at its full blast (like the day we were there) and the workshop is just a simple shack. Inside the warehouse, there are a great variety of wood cravings found at quite a reasonable price.
After hanging around long enough, finally another room next to the warehouse was revealed to us where the items in that warehouse is what I would call "wholesale" price. Although the items are not as refine as those in the other room but some of them are just as good at just a fraction of the price! We suspect that these are the rejects but I am happy with the 3 wooden bowls I bought and to me, it is flawless.

Later, we moved further into the town to some of the privately own workshop where the selection is not as huge and often not displayed on the shelves, hence making shopping there is a little unpleasant. Prices are reasonable and of course some bargaining is required.
At work